Mykid.video is a fun, friendly and safe place for both parents and their children. Parents can permanently upload and store digital pictures, video and audio files of their children taken during special events, such as birthdays and vacations or any moment in time you simply want to capture and cherish for a lifetime. You can also download this same content at any time in the future.
For children, it's a place to watch and learn inspiring, fun and humorous content geared toward helping them become more aware of important aspects of living and achieve success in different areas of their lives beginning at an early age. The content is focused on information not normally taught in regular public schools.
Upload/Download Files
Sign up for our monthly service to upload/download videos and images of your children: Special occasions or any content you don't want to lose.
Learn a Little
We will provide a fun and entertaining learning environment for your kids: Real world and valuable content they probably won't learn in school.
Share Your Content
You'll have the opportunity to participate in fun and rewarding contests with worthwhile prizes to the winners. Don't miss out!
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